1, 2, 3 The Environment and Me
Once again Mother Nature has forced us to pay attention to her. The main stream media has taken ‘Green’ and developed a phenomenal marketing term to sell more products, produce more shows and offer different media circuits.
Green has always been mainstream to many but was not a daily subject to the masses until Global Warming took the center stage. Then came recycling pleas, energy conservation gadgets, and electric cars.
United States is one of the last countries to promote a conservative lifestyle. President Obama has devoted millions to enhance awareness to a ‘GREEN’ lifestyle. The ‘GREEN’ concept soon will be in your child’s text book. The concept will change some rules at your job and your state will make new laws to adapt to the lifestyle.
A ‘GREEN Lifestyle will be demanded but not explained. The lifestyle does not require a certain income or education level. But the ‘GREEN’ lifestyle will save you money and knowledge is power.
3 Ways You Can Save the Environment.
1. Recycle
Check your local city's website to get days for recycle pick-up
Find out what items are accepted and how to prepare them
Find services to donate old electronics
Donate reusable house hold items & clothing to charity, goodwill or friends & family
2. Conserve
Turn all appliances off when you are not using them – unplugging them saves even more
Shorten your time in the shower
Commute a few days a week to work
Cancel catalog subscriptions & shop on-line
3. Reuse
Take your own shopping bag to stores or ask for paper bags – plastic bags can not be recycled
Reuse plastic bottles – or stop buying them
Make your own household cleaners and reuse the same bottles – ex. baking soda & vinegar & h20