its either 'man' or nature causing this threat. A cellphone's signal can disrupt a bees' mysterious navigation system and prevent them from finding their way back to the hive. Or is it the stress of transporting thousands of hives on flatbed trucks to various agricultural areas around the country?
The problem could be weather changes, viruses, fungi, parasites, mites, or a natural calamity like Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). The mysterious condition that causes worker bees to abandon their hives, leaving behind the queen and immature bees. The workers are never seen again, and within a week or two the hive is dead. Mysteriously, other animals that would ordinarily scavenge the honey in a dead hive leave CCD hives alone.
If this problem doesn't get solved, expect shortages in fruit and produce. a fabulous bread-and-water dinner will be served as the main course. And that is all.
Apis mellifera
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