Ducked off in a corner, in a cave somewhere in Southern California, away from everyone and everything that made me who I am, I sometimes morph into a different version of myself. I say that not neccessarily in a bad way, but we all grow and new enviroments bring new perspectives. That's just life. Well the other day my cousin came to visit me. He's a few years older and was always the coolest cat around. Because of him I was semi cool, by proxy, because I got to hang around him and his popular friends. (Some of which went on to become major celebrities by the way, this is Atlanta I'm talkin about ya'll). So flash forward to today. I havent seen my cuz in at least 8 years. He calls my cell and says "I'm in LA. Where you at?" Different events culminate to me sitting in a room in LA (where my new life is), around my cousin and these same friends ( who are now rich and famous), and me the same young kid hangin around trying to act cool. It was weird because the whole scene brought me back to emotions, feelings and insecurities that I thought had been long purged from my DNA. I actually felt like I was right back in High School. Just goes to show you, you're never as cool as you think you are. There's always someone out there that can bring you back down to Earth.